ELAP Fee Changes Now Effective
On October 18, 2023, the Office of Administrative Law approved the proposed ELAP fee regulations that were adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board at its September 19, 2023, meeting. Visit our Apply for Accreditation webpage and click on “Fees” to view the updated pricing. On-site assessment prices have also been changed and can be viewed on our Laboratory Assessments webpage.
The Water Board's Fee Unit is currently in the process of sending out payment reminder notices for laboratories whose annual or renewal dates fall in the months of October and November. After these are complete, payment reminder notices for future months will be sent. All notices are sent to the email contact we have on file. We thank you for your patience. Questions can be directed to das-elapfees@waterboards.ca.gov.
Any fee due after the effective date of October 18th, 2023 is subject to updated fee amount. If your laboratory submitted payment early, you will receive an invoice reflecting the new fee increase for the full amount due. However, you will only be required to pay the remaining balance (less your initial payment).
Potential Fee Structure Revision
ELAP recognizes that any fee increase is a challenge for laboratories to absorb, and that this year’s increase is primarily due to industry changes in response to new regulations. We are working with the Water Board Fee Branch and a focused stakeholder group of representatives from the accredited laboratory community and ELTAC to explore potential new fee structure options to have in place before the 2024/2025 fiscal year and will update the community on this initiative's progress.
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