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NEW Tech Talk - Flow Injection Chemistries and Techniques

Flow Injection Chemistries and Techniques with Dr. Ilkka Lähdesmäki, Chief Scientist, FIA

March 30th, 2023

12 PM - 1 PM PST

Anyone that needs to automate wet chemistry will likely utilize flow injection analysis. Applications that prioritize throughput and automation will find FIA analyzers especially useful. … Common applications include the analysis of inorganics or nutrients in soil, water, wastewater, drinking water, and fertilizer.

About the Speaker:

Ilkka Lahdesmaki received his college degree in Chemical Engineering at Abo Akademi University (Turku, Finland) in 1993. He did his graduate work at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA) with prof. Jarda Ruzicka, leading to a Ph.D. degree in 1999. After holding post-doctoral positions, he joined Schering in 2002, working on

chromatographic method development and validation for pharmaceutical products. Since 2010, he has been Chief Scientist at FIAlab Instruments, Inc. where he is involved in the development of instrumentation and methods for environmental and agricultural analysis, mostly based on Flow Injection technology.

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